ሓጺር መብርሂ ብዛዕባና

A) What is the purpose of this website? ዕላማ እዚ ወብሳይት እንታይ እዩ?

The website is created to provide information about our charity projects, and to serve as a platform for receiving donations.

ዕላማ እዚ  መርበብ ሓበሬታ፡ ብዛዕባ እቲ ንስድራ እሱስራትን ንዘኽታማት ቆልዑን ንገብሮ ደገፍ ሓበሬታ ንምቕራብን፡ ንዕኡ ዝኸውን ገንዘብ ድማ ንምእካብ እዩ። 

B) Who we Are? መን ኢና?

ንሕና፡ ንስድራቤት እሱራት፡ ንእሱራትን፡ ንዘኽታማት ቆልዑን ንምድጋፍ ልብና ዝተበገሰ ኣመንቲ ኮይንና፡ ኣብ 2020 ኣብ ዝተገብረ ሃገራዊ ጾምን ጸሎትን፡ ብወግዒ በዚ ጾር ተደሪኽና ክንዓዪ ዝወሰንና ወለንተኛታት ኢና። ካብዚ ተበጊስና፡ ኣብ 2020 ነዚ ዕላማ ንምግባር፡ ኣብ ኣመሪካ፡ ሕጋዊ ናይ ግብረ ሰናይ ማሕበር ድሕሪ ምምዝጋብ፡ ብወግዒ ክንሰርሕ ጀሚርና። ኣብቲ ወርሓዊ ንገብሮ ሃገራዊ ጾምን ጸሎት ንዝእከቡ ኩሎም፡ ቀጻሊ፡ ገንዘብን ንዋትን ከበርክቱ ብምዕዳም፡ በቲ ዝዋጻእ ገንዘብ፡ ንብዙሓት፡ ምስ ኣብ ዓዲ ዘለዉ መሳርሕትና ብምትሕብባር፡ ደገፍ ከም ዘድልዮም ዘለለናዮም ስድራቤት እሱራት፡ ኣብ ምድጋፍ ንርከብ።

we are a group of individuals committed to serving the lord in practice, by doing our part to alleviate rampant orphanage problem in countries of our focus and to support the families of those who are imprisoned due to their faith. 

As people who come from war torn and blighted country, we know firsthand the devastation of war, and the incredible destruction it causes to society. Therefore, our purpose is to contribute towards alleviating the suffering of orphan children with view to enabling them to realize their potential and to become contributors to their respective communities. We intend to do this by leveraging our relative position of comfort and convenience in the diaspora. 

We realize this is an undertaking that requires substantial financial and material resources and expertise, but it is our belief that there are enough people out there whose hearts God will initiate in support of this noble and godly cause (James 1.27).

C) ፕሮጀክትና እንታይ እዩ? What are our Projects?

ኣብ ክልተ ፕሮጀክታት ኢና ንነጥፍ።  

  1. ምድጋፍ ስድራቤታት ብእምነት እሱራት
  2. ምሕጋዝ ዘኽታማት ቆልዑ

እቲ ዘኽታማት ናይ ምድጋፍ ፕሮጀክትና፡ እዞም ሰለስተ ዝስዕቡ ሜላታት ኣተገባብራ የጠቓልል።

1. ኣብ ዝተመርጹ ቦታታት ምስ ዘለዋ ቤተክርስትያናት ናይ ስራሕ ዝምድና ብምፍጣር፡ ንዘኽታማት ናይ ምእላይ መደብ ስራሕ ብምንዳፍ፡ ንምትግባሩ ዝኸውን ንዋታውን ገንዘባውን ሓገዝ ቀጻሊ ምሃብ።

2.  ዘኽታማት ምስ ወለንተኛታት ኣለይቲ (ስድራ ወይ ውልቀ-ሰባት ወይ ወከልቲ ካብ ዞባውያን ቤተክርስትያናት) ብምዝማድ፡ ቀጻሊ ገንዘባውን ንዋታውን ደገፍ ምሃብ።

3. ኣብ ዝተናውሐ ግዜ፡ ምስ ዘለና ገንዘባዊ ዓቕሚ ብዝመጣተን መንገዲ፡ ብቐጥታ፡ ኣብ ዝተመርጻ ከተማታት፡ ከም ኣድላይነቱ መእለዪ ዘኽታማት ብምምስራት፡ ኣካይድተን ዝኾና ሰባት ብምምዛዝ፡ ቀጻሊ ንዋታውን ገንዘባውን ሞያውን ሓገዝ እንዳሃብካ፡ ርእሰን ክኢለን ባዕለን ክመሓደራሉ ዝኽእላ ቁጠባዊ ንጥፈታት ከም ዝህልወን ብምግባር።

We implement our project to support orphan children through building a network of centralized orphan centers and decentralized (informal) orphan support networks. Our three strategies are the following:

1. Collaborating with local Churches to set up support systems for orphan children and providing sustained financial and material support.

2. Matching identified and selected orphaned children who need support with informal networks of support (of individuals, couples, and churches), which we will provide with sustained financial and material support.

3. Directly setting up locally managed orphan centers in selected cities, with view to supporting them financially and materially until they become economically viable and self-sufficient.

ዕላማና፡ ንስድራቤታት እቶም ብእነቶም ተኣሲሮም ዘለዉ፡ ቀጻሊ ደገፍ ብምሃብ፡ ጾሮም ከነፏኽስ፡ ኣብቲ ስቓዮም ድማ ተኻፈልቲ ንሙኻንን እዩ።  

ብተወሳኺ፡ ዕላማ ፕሮጀክት ምሕጋዝ ኦርፋን፡ ዘኽታማት፡ ብኹሉ መዳያት ህይወቶም ንምህናጽ እዩ። እዚ በዞም ዝስዕቡ መንገዲ ይኸውን።

  • ንዘኽታማት ቆልዑ፡ ውሑስ መጽለሊ ክህልዎም ምግባር
  • መሰረታዊ ትምህርቲ ክረኽቡ ምሕጋዝ
  •  ናይ ጥዕና፡ መዘናግዒ፡ መምሃርን፡ ቁጥባዊ ኣገልግሎት ዝረኽብሉ ዕድላት ምፍጣር
  •  ብዝደለይዎ ሞያ ብምስልጣን፡ ብርእሶም ንኽሓድሩ ምምልማል
  •  መንፈሳዊን ሞራላውን ካልእን ደገፍ ምሃብ
  • Provide access to stable home, food, shelter, health care, as well as education and vocational training.
  •  Help integrate or match orphans to local support networks, including, local churches
  • Provide spiritual and psychological and other support, as necessary.

ሚእቲ ካብ ሚእቲ ናይቲ ዝዋጻእ ገንዘብ፡ ኣብቲ ኣብ ላዕሊ ተጠቒሱ ዘሎ ዕላማ፡ ማለት፡ ንስድራ ብእምነት ዝተኣስሩን፡ ንዘኽታማት ቆልዑን ኣብ ምድጋፍ እዩ ዝውዕል።

100% of the funds raised are spent supporting families of those imprisoned due to their faith, and orphaned children.

ንሕና፡ ጾር ብዛዕባ ስቓይ ዘኽታማትን እሱራት እምነትን ኣብ ልብና ዘለና፡ ብዝከኣለና መንገዲ፡ በቲ ዘለና ተዛማዲ ምቾት ተጠቒምና፡ ንኸማና ልቦም ዘንቀደ ሰባት ገንዘብን ካልእን ደገፍ ከበርክቱ እንዳጎስጎስና ፡ ኣብ መጀመርታ 2020 ክንሰርሕ ዝተበገስና ሰባት ኢና። ኣብ ኣሜሪካ፡ ናይ ግብረ ሰናይ ብሕጋዊ መንገዲ ኣመዝጊብና፡ ኣታዊናን ወጻኢናን ብግቡእን፡ ብንጹርነትን ዝመሓደረሉ ሕሳብ ባንክ ከፊትና፡ ብመንገዲ እዚ ዌብሳይት ገንዘብ ብምእካብ፡ ንእሱራትን ዘኽታማትን ኣብ ምድጋፍ ንርከብ። 

ኩሉኹም ነዚ ኣንቢብኩም፡ ልብኹም ዘንቀደ ኣሕዋት፡ ነዚ ዕላማና ኣብ ግብሪ ንምውዓል፡ ብዝከኣለኩም መጠን፡ ብፍላይ፡ ከም ወከልቲ ናይ ትነብሩለን ከተማታት ብምዃን፡ 

  • ነዚ ራእይ ምስ ኣብ ከባቢኹም ዘለዉ ሰባት (ኣመንቲ ይኹኑ፡ ኣይኹኑ ብዘየገድስ) ብምክፋል፡ ገንዘብ ዘዋጽኡ ሰባት ብምምዝጋብን፡ ገንዘብ ብምእካብን ክትተሓባበሩና፡
  • ኣብ መርበብ ሓበሬታና ( ብምኻድ ነዚ ፕሮጀክት ዝኸውን ገንዘብ ከተበርክቱ
ንስእሊ ክኾነና፡ ነፍሲ ወከፍ ወኪል ናይተን ኣለሊናየን ዘለና 40 ከተማታት፡ ካብ 10 ክሳዕ 15 ብማእከላይ ገምጋም 30 ዶላር ኣብ ወርሒ ዘዋጽኡ ሰባት እንተ መዝጊቡ፡ ኣብ ወርሒ 18 ሽሕ ዶላር፡ ኣብ ዓመት ድማ ከባቢ 216 ሽሕ ዶላር ከነዋጽእ ንኽእል።
ስለዚ፡ ነቲ ሽግር እሱራትን ኦርፋን ቆልዑን ቀጻሊ ኣብ ልብና ብምግባር፡ ሓቢርና ነዚ ዕላማ ብዕቱብ ክንሰርሕ፡ ንገንዘብና ድማ ነዚ ቅዱስ ዕላማ እንዳውዓልና ስቓይ ህዝብና ከነቃልል ንጽውዕ።
  • Help us spread the word to colleagues and families and church members, and encourage others to donate to the cause
  • Donate by going to our website (
To help paint a picture, if we register 15 donors in each of the 40 cities across Europe, America, Canada, and Australia, and should the average donation per person be 30 dollars per month, then this would total to 18,000 per month, and 216,000 per year. This is a modest financial goal that we have set out to achieve, which we think will enable us to start our orphan project in earnest.
The target audience for our donor base is any individual who empathizes with orphans and shares our vision of helping some orphans reach their full potential, regardless of their religious affiliation.
All donations are received through our website (

ሓገዝ ዘድልዮም ሰባት፡ ኣብ ዓዲ ምስ ዝርከቡ መሳርሕትና ብምትሕብባር፡ ብስቱር መንገዲ ኣስማት ናይ ደገፍ ዘድልዮም ስድራቤት ብእምነቶም ዝተኣስሩን፡ ደገፍ ዘድልዮም ዘኽታማትን ብምእካብ፡ ጽጹይ መጽናዕቲ ብዛዕባ ሓቅነት እቲ ንረኽቦ ሓበሬታ ድሕሪ ምክያድ፡ ዝግባእ ባጀት ብምስላዕ፡ ብስቱር መንገዲ ገንዘባዊ ደገፍ ከም ዝረኽቡ ንገብር። 

ገለ ካብቶም ደገፍ ክንህብ ቅድሚ ምውስንና ከም መምዘኒ ንጥቀመሎም ቅጥዕታት እዞም ዝስዕቡ እዮም።

  • ስድራቤት ብእምነቶም ዝተኣስሩ ድዮም? ካብ ካልኦት ውልቀ ሰባት ወይ ግብረ ሰናይ ደገፍ ድሮ ይቕበሉ ድዮም? ኩነታቶም ጽንኩርን ደገፍ ገንዘብ ዘድልዮምን ድዮም?
  • ኣቦኦምን ኣዲኦምን ዝሞቱ ዘኽታማት ድዮም? 
  • መጸግዒ፡ ወይ ዉሑስ ቤት፡ መግብን ካልእ መሰረታውያን ነወዲ ሰብ ዘድልዮ ዘይብሎም ድዮም?
  • ኣቦኦም ወይ ኣዲኦም ዝሞትዎም፡ እሞ፡ ኣብ ጽንኩርን ሓገዝ ዘድልዮን ኩነታት ዝርከቡ ድዮም?
  • ደገፍና ክበጽሓሎም ዝኽእለሉ መንገዲ ኣናዲና ረኺብና ዲና? 


ብዛዕባ ደገፍ ዘድልዮም ዘኽታማት ብፍላይ ሓበሬታ ምርካብ ቀሊል ኣይኮነን። ስለዚ፡ ዝኾነ ኣንባቢ፡ ዝፈልጦ ወይ ትፈልጡ ዘኽታም ወይ ዘኽታማት ምስ ዝህልዉ ኣብዚ ( ብምጥዋቕ ነቲ ፎርም ብምምላእ ክውከሱና ይኽእሉ። 

It is not easy to gather names of orphaned children who need support, given the countries we operate in. If you or anyone you know would like to provide us with names of orphaned children who need support, you may use this link ( to contact us.